Saturday 5 November 2016

The latest Africa this month will tell you its crisis

In Africa the relationship between the informal economy and formal economy is symbiotic. The contribution to the waste industry is not largely visible. The Government of South
Africa is not working actively. The President and another governmental bodies looking their own interest without any concern for common people who is residing at lower socio – economic condition. The country is empowering with black economic power. The latest Africa this month has stacked up $110bn in foreign debt. Africa is suffering from debt crisis. Many ups downs are experienced by the country and its citizen.

In mid seventies Zambia was prosperous nation. It was the only country where people income was highest. It was calculated that $600 was the per head income in late 1975. But in next three decades the country is receiving its downfall as copper prices tumbled. But in 90s some improvement were noticed and per capita income increased. When copper prices tumbled, Zambia and foreign lenders believed they would rebound quickly. As result Zambia standard of living is declining. Situation turns so worse that Zambia started experiencing debt crisis. Copper prices did not rebound and Zambia debt grew with seven fold. The latest Africa this month its self state that Zambia moved from a solid middle income country to a poster child of the highly indebted poor countries. If we look to Kenya’s position we will come to know that Kenya is no more a resource rich country.

To read more news about The latest Africa this month, latest Africa this month visit the Fair Obsrver or XReporters

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